2022.03.08 SERVICES
Yuffie and Sonon Skins Come to FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER Along with Limited-Time Login Bonuses and Free Rewards!

Ateam Entertainment Inc. (headquarters: Nagoya, Japan; president: Yukimasa Nakauchi) and SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. (headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; president: Yosuke Matsuda) are proud to announce that new items based on Yuffie and Sonon’s appearance in FINAL FANTASY VII INTERGRADE are available in FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER from March 8, 2022.
■Yuffie and Sonon Character Skins Available in Limited-Time Premium Shinra Packs!
Skins and more modeled after characters and items that appear in FFVI INTERGRADE are available in limited-time Premium Shinra Packs, letting players take on the appearance of the popular Yuffie and Sonon. Premium Shinra Packs can be purchased for 300 Shinra Credits or 5 FF7R IG Premium Shinra Pack Tickets.
Availability: Until 3/17/2022 01:59 UTC
Featured Items
・Character Skin: Yuffie (FF7R IG)
・Character Skin: Poncho Yuffie (FF7R IG)
・Character Skin: Sonon (FF7R IG) ♂
・Character Skin: Sonon (FF7R IG) ♀
・Shuriken Skin: 4-Point Shuriken
・Staff Skin: Adamantine Rod
・Banner: Yuffie (FF7R IG)
・Banner: Sonon (FF7R IG)
・Emote: Materia Arm Roll
・Helicopter Skin: Funeral Flowers Helicopter
■Exclusive Rewards in Limited-Time Login Bonuses and Challenges!
Premium Shinra Pack Tickets, a special title to flaunt to other players, and more are available in special login bonuses and challenges for a limited time.
INTERGRADE Login Bonuses
Log in for free items including Premium Shinra Pack Tickets, the Yuffie Headband (FF7R IG) accessory, the Materia Hunter Yuffie banner, a chocobo egg, and more.
Availability: Until 3/16/2022 01:59 UTC
Clear the challenges to earn the Materia Hunter title, Premium Shinra Pack Tickets, and more. Premium Shinra Pack Tickets are also available from login bonuses, for a total of 25 free tickets up for grabs.
Availability: Until 3/16/2022 01:59 UTC
■Season 2, “Dominate the Sky,” is Under Way!
Bahamut serves as the theme for this season. In addition to the ability to fight the great beast itself, a new style, new materia, and other new content expand the gameplay options available to candidates on the training field.
Season 2 Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id_hMO9NImM
Season 2 Availability: Until 6/2/2022
■Future Updates
Updates on the development of the game will be posted on our official website, social media accounts, and Discord server.
Official Site: https://www.ffviifs.com/en/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FFVII_FS_EN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FF7FS/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ffvii_fs/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/nxMWXePAfg
■Available Now on the App Store and Google Play
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ffvii-the-first-soldier/id1536906780
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.square_enix.android_googleplay.ff7fsww&hl=en
■Opening Video
The game’s opening cinematic can be viewed from the below link.
URL: https://youtu.be/JREGqy0HOzI
FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER is a high-octane battle royale action game infused with RPG elements from the FINAL FANTASY series. Set in Midgar prior to the events of FINAL FANTASY VII, players fight to join the ranks of Shinra’s elite SOLDIER unit while utilizing spells, weapons, and special abilities to defeat opponents and emerge victorious. Tetsuya Nomura, creative director of the FINAL FANTASY VII series, is also handling creative direction of this official entry into the COMPILATION OF FINAL FANTASY VII.
TGS 2021 Trailer: https://youtu.be/Vnbr7SG3bag
Release Date: November 17, 2021
Genre: Battle Royale
Platform: iOS, Android
Price: Free to play (in-app purchases available)
Distribution: Worldwide (excluding mainland China)
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish (Europe), Spanish (Latin America), Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Thai
Rights: © 1997, 2021, 2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Powered by Ateam Entertainment Inc.
Released in 1997, FINAL FANTASY VII enthralled players with its emotional story, appealing characters, and engrossing cutscenes that utilized cutting-edge technology. To date, the title has sold over 13.3 million copies* worldwide.
■About the FINAL FANTASY Series
Starting with the original in 1987, FINAL FANTASY is a series of Japanese roleplaying games that has garnered worldwide acclaim with its technologically advanced graphics, original world settings, and deep stories. Thanks in part to its active expansion into western markets, it has accumulated over 164 million total sales* worldwide.
*Combined physical and digital sales