2022.01.20 SERVICES
“President’s Cup” Ranking Event Comes to FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER! Become a Living Statue of President Shinra with New Skins, and Log In for Free Items!

Ateam Entertainment Inc. (headquarters: Nagoya, Japan; president: Yukimasa Nakauchi) and SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. (headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; president: Yosuke Matsuda) are proud to announce that FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER is holding the President’s Cup ranking event starting 1/20 (Thu.). A new skin from Special Shinra Packs will change a candidate’s appearance into an imposing statue of President Shinra himself, and limited-time login bonuses and challenges offer free items for all players.
■Take on Other Candidates and Compete for a Spot in the Top 100 in the President’s Cup!
The President’s Cup ranking event is available as of 1/20 (Thu.). Compete in number of kills and win time in ranked matches during the event in both solo and team modes. Players who reach the top 100 will receive rewards celebrating their accomplishment! Rankings will be available to view on the official website each day of the event.
1/20 (Thu.) 02:00 – 1/31 (Mon.) 05:59 UTC
*Final results will be unveiled on 2/3 (Thu.)
How to Participate
All players who play at least one ranked match to the end during the event period will be automatically entered into the rankings.
Four Categories
Kill Rankings: Solo, Team
Quickest Win Rankings: Solo, Team
*Players who participate in multiple teams will be ranked based on the team they performed best with.
Exclusive Rewards
Players who rank in the top 100 in any category will receive a banner, and the few who reach the top 3 will be granted a special title!
For more information, see our official website.
Link: https://www.ffviifs.com/en/news/49/index.html
■Become a Statue of President Shinra or Take On the Role of Middle Manager!
Don the President Statue skin to become just that: a shining statue of the brilliant President Shinra! This skin and more are available in the Special Shinra Packs (President), accessible from the Shop screen.
Availability: 1/20 (Thu.) 02:00 – 1/31 (Mon.) 14:59 UTC
Open Special Shinra Packs (President) using 150 Shinra Credits or specified Shinra Pack Tickets for a chance at the below and more.
Featured Prizes
– Character Skin: President Statue
– Gun Skin: President’s Pistol
– Emote: Take a Call
– Character Skin: Shinra Middle Manager Suit
■Free Items from President’s Challenges and Login Bonuses
Limited-time challenges and login bonuses are available during the event. Numerous items are up for grabs, including Shinra Pack Tickets that can be used in the Special Shinra Packs (President).
President’s Challenges
Complete special challenges while you can for a chance at Shinra Pack Tickets that can be used in the Special Shinra Packs (President), chocobo feed, and more.
Availability: 1/20 (Thu.) 02:00 – 1/31 (Mon.) 1:59 UTC
President’s Login Bonuses
All you have to do to get the below is log in!
Availability: 1/20 (Thu.) 02:00 – 1/30 (Sun.) 1:59 UTC
Day 1: President Special Shinra Pack Ticket x7
Day 2: “Hologram: Utility Vehicle” emote
Day 3: 1,000 Gil
Day 4: Shinra Pack Ticket x1
Day 5: Chocobo Egg x1
Day 6: 1,000 Gil
Day 7: Shinra Pack Ticket x1
■Future Updates
Updates on the development of the game will be posted on our official website, social media accounts, and Discord server.
Official Site: https://www.ffviifs.com/en/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FFVII_FS_EN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FF7FS/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ffvii_fs/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/nxMWXePAfg
■Available Now on the App Store and Google Play
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ffvii-the-first-soldier/id1536906780
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.square_enix.android_googleplay.ff7fsww&hl=en
■Opening Video
The game’s opening cinematic can be viewed from the below link.
URL: https://youtu.be/JREGqy0HOzI
FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER is a high-octane battle royale action game infused with RPG elements from the FINAL FANTASY series. Set in Midgar prior to the events of FINAL FANTASY VII, players fight to join the ranks of Shinra’s elite SOLDIER unit while utilizing spells, weapons, and special abilities to defeat opponents and emerge victorious. Tetsuya Nomura, creative director of the FINAL FANTASY VII series, is also handling creative direction of this official entry into the COMPILATION OF FINAL FANTASY VII.
TGS 2021 Trailer: https://youtu.be/Vnbr7SG3bag
Release Date: November 17, 2021
Genre: Battle Royale
Platform: iOS, Android
Price: Free to play (in-app purchases available)
Distribution: Worldwide (excluding mainland China)
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish (Europe), Spanish (Latin America), Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Thai
Rights: © 1997, 2021, 2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Powered by Ateam Entertainment Inc.
Released in 1997, FINAL FANTASY VII enthralled players with its emotional story, appealing characters, and engrossing cutscenes that utilized cutting-edge technology. To date, the title has sold over 13.3 million copies* worldwide.
■About the FINAL FANTASY Series
Starting with the original in 1987, FINAL FANTASY is a series of Japanese roleplaying games that has garnered worldwide acclaim with its technologically advanced graphics, original world settings, and deep stories. Thanks in part to its active expansion into western markets, it has accumulated over 164 million total sales* worldwide.
*Combined physical and digital sales