Yukimasa Nakauchi

Mr. Nakauchi works as a producer to deliver a wide range of digital contents such as games and online services. Through working in executive roles in multiple content creation companies, he has garnered a wealth of experience. After joining Ateam Inc. in 2009, he assumed the role of General Manager of the Entertainment Division and shifted the division’s focus from the feature phone market to the smart device market with the goal of producing content that can be enjoyed around the world.
- Aug-04
- Joined GMO Internet, Inc.
- Apr-05
- Appointed President and CEO of GMO Intertainment, Inc.
- Apr-06
- Appointed CEO of GMO Games, Inc.
- Apr-07
- Appointed COO of Increws Co., Ltd.
- Sep-09
- Joined Ateam Inc.
- Dec-09
- Appointed Corporate Officer at Ateam Inc. and General Manager of Game Business Department
- Oct-10
- Appointed Director of Ateam Inc.
- Aug-12
- Appointed Director, General Manager of the Entertainment Division
- Dec-16
- Appointed President at Ateam Vietnam Co., Ltd. (current position)
- Apr-21
- Appointed President at Ateam Entertainment Inc. (current position)
Brady Mehagan

Mr. Mehagan heads up global business development at Ateam Entertainment Inc. He gained his first experience in the industry developing titles using Nintendo IP and after joining Ateam in 2009, he started out as a team leader developing games for WiiWare before moving on to launch the company’s localization department. He then channeled his energy into creating games for a global audience and played an integral role in the development of Ateam’s first global hit title, Dark Summoner. Since then, he has worked on a number of titles to bring them to global audiences and market them around the world.
- Sep-05
- Joined Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd.
- May-09
- Joined Ateam Inc.
- Oct-13
- Appointed Corporate Officer at Ateam Inc.
- Aug-21
- Appointed Director at Ateam Entertainment Inc. (current position)
Takashi Ozeki

Mr. Ozeki leads the development of new games at Ateam Entertainment Inc. He began his career as a 3D designer for console games working on titles such as Tecmo Co., Ltd.’s “Dead or Alive” and “Ninja Gaiden” and Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.’s “Metal Gear Solid” series. Since joining Ateam Inc. in 2008, he has worked as a producer and art director to create and release numerous titles including popular hits “Unison League” and “Valkyrie Connect”.
- Apr-03
- Joined Tecmo Co., Ltd.
- Sep-08
- Joined Ateam Inc.
- Nov-13
- Appointed Head of New Game Development Department
- Aug-21
- Appointed Director at Ateam Entertainment Inc. (current position)